Membership Sign-up Form

Click on link below for your membership sign-up

All new/renewing members joining between 1/1 and 7/31 will pay the full price of $15/single and $20/family.

All new/renewing members joining between 8/1 and 12/31 will pay a pro-rated price membership of $10/single and $15/family.

The electronic renewal option will be unavailable 10/1 thru 11/30, reopening on 12/1 for new member/renewals for the next year.


Please download and print this form,

IVW MEMBERSHIP     IVW membership form 2024-10-16 (11)   fill out, and mail with a check.

Make check payable to: Illinois Valley Wheelm’n,

Mail to:   Illinois Valley Wheelm’n, 7503 Villa Wood Lane, Peoria, IL 61614

*Effective 1/1/2014, the newsletter in all forms was eliminated. This website, the club’s Facebook page, and the electronic mailing list will be used for communicate club information.