Bylaws and Constitution

The text in the version of the bylaws below was voted on and approved at the 2015-Nov-14 annual meeting based on a PDF that had been circulated over 60 days prior. Minor variations in formatting result from the adaptation of the PDF to the web page.

-webmaster, posted 2015-Nov-21



The Name of the Organization shall be the Illinois Valley Wheelm’n.

The colors shall be White, Blue and Gold.

The Patch: as submitted.

Acronym: I.V.W.


The purpose of the Illinois Valley Wheelm’n is to foster an environment in which people can enjoy bicycling by:

  1. Promoting and encouraging recreational and utilitarian cycling activities.
  2. Supporting members in the sport of bicycle racing.
  3. Promoting safe cycling.
  4. Encouraging public facilities for bicycling including bicycling paths, trails and roads.
  5. Cooperating with public authorities in the observance of all traffic regulations and the education of the cycling public to such regulations.
  6. Advocating the rights and privileges of bicyclists.


Membership is open to individuals and families within (but not limited to) the greater Peoria metropolitan area, who desire to promote the club purposes and bicycling in general. Types of memberships include:

  • INDIVIDUAL: Any person who desires to pay the individual dues amount.
  • FAMILY: Any family group of two (2) or more who desires to pay the family dues amount. Note: A parent or guardian’s signature is necessary for approval of membership of persons under the age of eighteen (18).
  • LIFETIME: Any person OR family who desires to pay the lifetime membership dues amount. Paying this amount means the member(s) is/are no longer required to pay yearly club dues for as long as they choose to be a member, or their death. If a member chooses to leave the club, they will not be allowed back in under the original lifetime membership agreement. Lifetime memberships may not be transferred to another individual or family. Lifetime memberships are not subject to any change in IVW membership dues or other monetary requirements.


Beginning 1/1/2013, all current single and family memberships will renew on January 1st of each year, and entitle the member to (12) months of continuous membership – lasting until December 31st. Members who join or renew their memberships after January 1st will effectively shorten their yearly membership for the length of time they join after January 1st of each year. Renewing members are given a (2) month grace period to allow for checks to clear and monthly date of IVW board meetings. If a member has still not renewed their membership past this (2) month grace period, they will be dropped from the club membership and e-mail list without further notice. Starting around October 1st of each year, a membership drive will be started via e-mail and website to remind current members of the January 1st renewal date. Membership dues are determined on an as-needed basis by a majority vote from current IVW board members.

Members who join or renew their memberships from January 1st -> July 31th of a given year will pay the full membership price posted on current membership forms. Members who join or renew their memberships from August 1st -> December 31st of a given year will pay a lower membership price posted on current membership forms


Monthly IVW board meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month except the month of December. The annual meeting and Election of IVW Board Members shall be held during the month of November. Regular and special meetings shall be held as provided in the by-laws.


The governing body of the club shall be called the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, and shall consist of an odd number of members with no fewer than seven (7) members elected by the membership.

The officers of the Board shall be:

  • President;
  • Vice President;
  • Secretary;
  • Treasurer; and,
  • Liaisons to each of the committees as formed by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Liaison persons may, but not necessarily have to be the chairperson of the committee they are on.


The election of members to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be held as authorized in the by-laws.


The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall establish committees in the following areas:

  • Rides;
  • Social;
  • Membership;
  • Communications; and,
  • other special committees as may be needed.


The constitution may be amended in any respect at any regular meeting of the club by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the club members present in person. No proposed amendment shall be acted upon at any club meeting unless it has been presented in writing to all members of the club at least sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting.



Regular meetings of the club shall be held at a time and place designated by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A majority of the club members present in person shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called by the President of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The object or purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted at the special meeting. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS meetings shall be held at such times as it may be determined necessary. Five (5) BOARD OF DIRECTORS members present in person shall constitute a quorum.

The ANNUAL MEETING date and location is to be decided by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. All members then active shall be notified at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

A family membership shall be entitled to two (2) votes when two (2) or more members of the family are present at Regular, Special and Annual meetings.


The fiscal year of the CLUB shall commence on the first days of December and shall end on the last day of November of the succeeding year.


The BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the club is composed of a minimum of seven (7) members and shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from within the group. The BOARD will also select from its members liaisons to each of the committees. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall have immediate charge, management and control of the affairs of the club.

The established committees of the club shall carry on the program and business of the club. Such committees shall be:

  • RIDES,
  • any others that the BOARD appoints.

It is recommended that each committee consist of a minimum of three (3) members who shall elect a chairperson to govern the committee. The chairperson of the committee will be in charge of the committee and shall report to the designated LIAISON member of the BOARD. SPECIAL COMMITTEES shall cease to function when the BOARD determines the committee is no longer needed.


Election of members to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be held at the Annual meeting. The election shall be by ballot from a slate chosen by a nominating committee or from nominations at the regular meeting. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be elected by the majority of members present at the Annual meeting. The term of office shall coincide with the fiscal year.

A vacancy on the BOARD OF DIRECTORS prior to the completion of a term of office shall be filled by appointment of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A simple majority vote at the next regular monthly meeting shall be undertaken to ratify the appointed new member(s) of the BOARD.

At a regular meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the club, at least thirty (30) days preceding the annual meeting, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall appoint a Nominating committee of at least three (3) members to seek nominees for the open positions on the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Members of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the BOARD and shall elect Liaisons to each of the established committees.



  • President of the BOARD: Shall coordinate and supervise the operation of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, and preside at all club meetings.
  • Vice-President of the BOARD: Shall assist the President in carrying out the club business and functions and serve as interim president in the absence of the president, and serve as historian.
  • Secretary of the BOARD: Shall take minutes at club and BOARD meetings, issue minutes and general notices.
  • Treasurer of the BOARD: Shall keep and preserve all club financial records and transactions, and make reports to the BOARD and club as necessary or called for.
    Committee Liaison Person(s): Shall act as a communication link between the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and the appointed committees.

COMMITTEES (Recommended Functions)

  • Rides committee: Responsible for establishing and organizing a weekly ride schedule.
  • Special rides may be handled by special committees.
  • Social committee: Responsible for establishing and organizing social events of the club including monthly meetings, the annual meeting and other events.
  • Communications committee: Responsible for the publishing and distribution of the club newsletter (when the club has an editor), management of the website, social media, and other media publicity for the club functions and events.
  • Membership committee: Responsible for the recording and maintenance of membership records, recruiting of members and welcoming new members into the club, and will be in charge of Awards.


The By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of all members of the club present at any meeting of the club, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and the members of the club at least sixty (60) days in advance of the vote.