Category Archives: Note from our President

June, 2015

Greetings all. Attached is June’s Monthly Notes. Kind Regards, Fai Mok Illinois Valley Wheelm’n President

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on June, 2015

May, 2015

Greetings fellow members. Attached is May’s Monthly Notes. Also, The Saturday’s morning ride start date will begin next Saturday(May 9th) instead of this Saturday(May 2nd) since I will be doing the Tour de Stooges down in Lebanon, IL on Saturday.

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on May, 2015

April, 2015

You all probably wonder why I haven’t email out April’s Monthly Note yet. Well, I just return from Colorado on a spring ski trip. Thus, I finally have time to type it up now. Some of you are probably thinking … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on April, 2015

March, 2015

We are into the 3rd month of year, which means approximately 1 month to go before the weather will be consistently warm enough for us to ride outside. (Yay!) With that said, the board and I have been doing a … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on March, 2015

February, 2015

Hey fellow riders. Sorry for the tardiness of this month’s note as I have been pre-occupied with some trip planning for the upcoming months. And yes, one of them involves a bad four letter word, s-n-o-w, in Colorado. I guess … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on February, 2015

January, 2015

Happy New Year fellow cyclists!

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on January, 2015

December, 2014

Season’s Greetings fellow members! Can’t believe Thanksgiving and Black Friday had come and gone like a snap of the fingers. In fact, the whole month of November seem like a blur to me as we had our club’s End of … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on December, 2014

November, 2014

I knew it was bound to happen, but it still come as a shock that fall weather has finally arrived as I see leaves cover every street and corn being harvested out in the country everywhere. Just because cooler temperature … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on November, 2014

October, 2014

Greetings all. Even though the first official day of fall was last Monday, we are fortunate to continue getting the summer-like weather for riding, though the amount of daylight is getting shorter and shorter. Never-the-less, I am still managing to … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on October, 2014

September, 2014

Greetings fellow members. Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend last week. There are many thing I love about September besides Labor Day weekend…the start of football season (college, pro and fantasy!), US Open tennis tournament (yes, I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Note from our President | Comments Off on September, 2014