IVW Weekly Rides

(Helmets are required for all rides)

MONDAYS: Bill Semmens will lead starting  April 11th @ 9am.  Will start from Methodist Church in Dunlap. Watch emails for changes (bsemmens5@comcast.net))

Al Wenninger leads rides from Morton. Watch emails


TUESDAYS: Steve Jensen & Randy Swenson leading rides. Location varies but usually northwest of Peoria. Start times vary. Starting date is year round depending on weather. Distance 20-40 miles. Level 1 no drop. Contact Steve’s email or LO Rides of Peoria on facebook.. (shjensen1@yahoo.com)


Steve Kurt Leader-start 4/12 @ 5:30pm until 5/8 then 6pm from Dunlap School


WEDNESDAYS: Bill Semmens will again lead. starting  April 13th @ 9am.  Will start from Methodist Church in Dunlap. Watch emails for changes (bsemmens5@comcast.net))


THURSDAYS: Joe Russell will lead the women’s ride from his store starting May 12th @ 9am


SATURDAYS:  Steve Jensen & Randy Swenson leading rides. Location varies but usually northwest of Peoria. Start times vary. Starting date is year round depending on weather. Distance 20-40 miles. Level 1 no drop. Contact Steve’s email or LO Rides of Peoria on facebook,, (shjensen1@yahoo.com)

Joe Russell will lead a ride from his store starting  May 8th @ 8am. Ride cancelations will be posted on Russell Cycle and Fitness Facebook page.



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