September 1st, 2019

Happy September everyone! I hope you all have continued to get some riding in. I know I have.  First off, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the No Baloney Ride. We had a great turnout. There were 400 total riders this year. Special thanks to all the volunteers, especially Andrea and Isaac Grimm for organizing everything.  We had great weather.

I had the opportunity to do the 100-mile route and it did not disappoint despite the hiccup the day before which added a detour of 2 miles. We traveled some new roads this year that I thought were nice and less traveled. Mackinaw was a great loop location. I’m sure some may disagree due to the fact that in order to get into and out of Mackinaw one has to climb.  There was a little bit of wind but as long as you weren’t riding alone it was fine. When we returned to Kennel Lake it was nice to have some entertainment as well as the opportunity for massages. The food was great. Chili and tacos normally isn’t a great combo for me but after a 102-mile ride I think most of us would eat anything! Lol.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Door County, Wisconsin again with my fellow rider Sarah Gray and met some long time friends from Chicago as well.  For those of you who don’t know where Door County is it is in the far northeast tip of Wisconsin. It was about a 6-7 hour drive. They are known for their cherries and wineries. While we were there I rode two days and went to 7/8 wineries as well as a few breweries. If you like sweet wines then you would love it. The ambiance was also lovely. Each winery had its own little thing I liked but mostly the scenery.

Door County is right on Lake Michigan as well as Sturgeon Bay. Each town had a beach and despite the temps being a little chillier than usual I took advantage and got in the water. There is a great park (Peninsula State Park) that we rode through. They have a nice lighthouse as well as several little hills to climb.  The main ride we did was the Door County Century. I did not however ride the century. I chose to do 70-mile loop so I could partake in all of the things Door County had to offer. It started in Sturgeon Bay and took us around the bay side as well as the lakeside.

We had a rest stop at horseshoe bay as well as Bailey’s Harbor. There was also a stop at a lighthouse but it has changed over the years and now the Coast guard owns the property so one can only go certain places. My favorite food at the rest stop was of course cheese curds. Who can go to Wisconsin and not eat them?  When we returned to the start/finish they had a meal of fajitas for us and of course adult beverages and cherry pie. They were delicious. I met several new people from all over. According to their stats there were 40/50 states represented. I hope some of you can join us next year. It is always the weekend after Labor Day.  Enjoy the rest of the month and see you on the road!   – Becca

IVW Monthly Note – September Editon 2019

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